Monday, July 23, 2012

Potential Sheikah in OOT (Part 2)

As the sun rises on the beginning of Ocarina of Time, the ancient Sheikah village of Kakriko has just recently been opened to the public by Impa, the proclaimed "Last of the Sheikah". However, it is quite possible that many Sheikah still remain in Kakariko, both in hiding and in plain sight, and that's to say nothing of the many Sheikah still residing in the Hidden Village. To this end, I, Sharp the Elder, present you with a list of the people in OOT whom I believe to have potential Shiekah ancestry.

Dampe is the homely gravekeeper that tends the Kakariko graveyard. The large gravestone states:
Here lie the souls of those who swore fealty to the Royal Family of Hyrule
The Sheikah, guardians of the Royal Family and founders of Kakariko, watch over these spirits in their eternal slumber.
As Dampe is the one responsible for watching over the graves, this would seem to imply that he is a Sheikah. Additionally, He is later interred in the same graveyard, which further implies his status as one who "Swore fealty to the Royal Family". Additionally, Dampe has perhaps the most thorough knowledge of the underground tunnels connecting the graveyard to the windmill. He also spends his days stationed outside the Shadow Temple (Although perhaps unknowingly). While this would seem to make quite a compelling case for him being a Sheikah, Dampe lacks red eyes, their defining characteristic.

Happy Mask Salesman
Happy Mask Salesman is an enigma, and there are numerous theories surrounding him, one of which is that he might be a Sheikah. He does have red eyes, although he only opens them when he's angry so he could just be "Seeing red". He is the one who supplies you with the mask of truth, an ancient Sheikah artifact which lets you communicate with Gossip Stones and talk to animals. He also shows a keen interest in Majora's Mask, an item which may or may not be connected to the Sheikah (But that's another article). Lastly he shows strong musical prowess and a limited ability to perform magic, both traits common to confirmed Sheikah.

Spider House Family
The "Spider House Family" is the name I gave to the people that you exchange skulltulla tokens with. As an adult, the old man dressed in blue will tell you the story of a wealthy family in the village who were "Cursed for their greed", which is persumably the SHF, since they can afford to give you unlimited rupees. Seeing as how the villiage has just been recently opened to non-Sheikah at the start of the game and the story is told as though it happened long ago (Longer than seven years anyway), it would seem to imply that they were living there during an all-Sheikah period. Also of note, they are terrified of the Mask of Truth, implying that they may have been cursed by a Sheikah as well.